California Mediterranean Research Learning Center: National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
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The California Mediterranean Research Learning Center (CMRLC) supports a broad scope of research on the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine aspects of the Mediterranean Biome, but focuses on promoting research directed specifically at park management needs. Of particular interest to the CMRLC are topics which enhance understanding and management of the interface between the human and natural communities. Topics such as:

The effects of urbanization on species and their habitats

Park management in the face of urbanization

Effects of habitat fragmentation

Effects of non-native species invasion

Societal attitudes towards protected areas and wildlife

History of humans and their cultures within the Biome

The Mediterranean Biome is limited to five areas throughout the world. These areas share similar habitat characteristics, thus providing an opportunity for the CMRLC to collaborate with other research scientists from these regions. By comparing experiences and lessons learned with the international community, we can learn how to better manage and preserve these unique and rich ecosystems. Things we learn in Perth, Australia or Cape Town, South Africa can be applied to Los Angeles, California or Barcelona, Spain. Just the fact that Cape Town faces the same problems with wildfires as Los Angeles, suggests that there may be lessons to be shared between both areas. Promoting comparative research among teams of scientists around the world may reveal very basic elements of the dynamic relationship between humans and the Mediterranean environment. 

CMRLC Fellowships Awarded:

The National Park Service provides unparalleled opportunities for research and education in some of our nation's most cherished and pristine ecosystems. The Mediterranean Coast network parks face increasingly complex issues that threaten the integrity of natural ecosystems, cultural resources, and visitor experiences.

California Mediterranean Area Map

Click on a park name above to zoom in on the map, or choose a park from below to learn more about that park's resources.

Cabrillo National Monument

Channel Islands National Park

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Citizen Science and Volunteers

Working with a diverse array of partners, the CMRLC promotes and facilitates citizen science and educational opportunities within the context of supported research. Through these activities, the CMRLC hopes to engage the 20 million-plus people who reside in Southern California in learning about — and learning how to protect — the Mediterranean Biome in which they live. 

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